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Dan Raffi, Carnival Secret Service.

The idea I had was a 3D platformer taking place in a big carnival with many themed areas, where the #1 secret service officer of the carnival, Dan Raffi, must save the kidnapped Carnival King and the animal-suited denizens of the carnival from the old, arguably evil Ringmaster, whose plans involve torturing the men and women of the Carnival until they perform tricks for audiences everywhere. He can't really tell that they're not animals because his eyesight and hearing are going and nobody wants to correct him out of fear and pity.

These pictures are a bit out of order, but it gets the point across.

Action pose

Angry variation

"What? No, I'm not going to hit you on that wall. Why would you want that?"

"You just don't understand how a living giraffe suit -FEELS-, Dan! I want to be SMASHED! I want to feel my head go blank! Plow me into that concrete, you handsome idiot!"

"I don't think the carnival king would approve of how you're speaking to me in public..."

"And you're wearing a stupid giraffe suit. Stupid! Stupid!!!"

"I'm sorry, ignore my partner. We haven't gotten much action lately..."

"ACTION?! That's what you call it??? I have NEEDS!"

[incomprehensible squawking]

"How about I just throttle you after we're done here? In the back, by the bushes? You like the thrill when it's outside, right?"

"Not good enough!"

"That wall in specific?"

"That one in specific, right next to the grand vizier of puppetry. Yes."

[End dumb conversational tangent]


"That's unpleasant."

(Reaction shot to something gross.)

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